Quest Log 51-60

The remaining experience needed for each level was accumulated through kills so unless otherwise noted it’s safe to assume that I was killing from point a to point b while working on quests.

Level 51
Turned in [Avenging the Fallen] 18900 xp
Turned in [Gammerita, Mon!] 18900 xp
Turned in [Snapjaws, Mon!] 20400 xp
Turned in [Lard Lost His Lunch] 19650 xp
Fly to Undercity
Turned in [Rin’ji’s Secret] 9000 xp
Turned in [Lines of Communication] 13500 xp
Picked up and Turned in [Oran’s Gratitude] 18150 xp
Hearthstoned to Revantusk Village
Completed [Seperation Anxiety], [Job Opening: Guard Captain of Revantusk Village], [Kidnapped Elder Torntusk!], and [Wanted: Vile Priestess Hexx and Her Minions]

Level 52
Turned in [Kidnapped Elder Torntusk!] 21150 xp
Picked up [Recover the Key!]
Completed [Recover the Key!]
Turned in [Recover the Key!] 26400 xp
Picked up [Return to Primal Torntusk]
Turned in [Seperation Anxiety] 20400 xp
Turned in [Return to Primal Torntusk] 21150 xp
Turned in [Wanted: Vile Priestess Hexx and Her Minions] 26400 xp

Level 53
Turned in [Job Opening: Guard Captain of Revantusk Village] 21150 xp
Teleported to Moonglade to train
Fly to Thunder Bluff
Fly to Tanaris
Turned in [Sprinkle’s Secret Ingredient] 19650 xp
Picked up [Delivery for Marin]
Turned in [Delivery for Marin] 1950 xp
Picked up [Noggenfogger Elixir]
Turned in [Noggenfogger Elixir] No xp
Fly to Ashenvale, Splintertree
Ran to Azshara and picked up Flight path
Fly to Splintertree
Ran to Felwood
Picked up Flight path at Emerald sanctuary
Picked up [Forces of Jaedenar]
Picked up [Verifying the Corruption]
Picked up [Timbermaw Ally]
Completed [Timbermaw Ally]
Turned in [Timbermaw Ally] 18900 xp
Picked up [Speak to Nafien]
Completed [Forces of Jaedenar]
Completed [Verifying the Corruption]
Ran to Bloodvenom Post, picked up Flightpath
Picked up [Well of Corruption]
Picked up [A Husband’s Last Battle]
Picked up [Wild Guardians]
Fly to Emerald Sanctuary
Turned in [Forces of Jadenar] 21150 xp
Picked up [Collection of the Corrupt Water]
Turned in [Verifying the Corruption] 29550 xp

Level 54
Completed [A Husband’s Last Battle]
Completed [Well of Corruption]
Completed [Collection of the Corrupt Water]
Turned in [A Husband’s Last Battle] 21150 xp
Turned in [Well of Corruption] 23700 xp
Picked up [Corrupted Sabers]
Completed [Corrupted Sabers]
Turned in [Corrupted Sabers] 23700 xp
Fly to Emerald Sanctuary
Turned in [Collection of the Corrupt Water] 16500 xp
Picked up [Seeking Spiritual Aid]
Fly to Ratchet
Turned in [Seeking Spiritual Aid] 10950 xp
Picked up [Cleansed Water Returns to Felwood]
Fly to Emerald Sanctuary
Turned in [Cleansed Water Returns to Felwood] 11700 xp

Level 55
Picked up [Dousing the Flames of Protection]
Fly to Bloodvenom
Complete [Dousing the Flames of Protection]
Found a “Blood Red Key”
Picked up [A Strange Red Key]
Turned in [A Strange Red Key] 24450 xp
Picked up [Rescue from Jaedenar] escort
Completed [Rescue from Jaedenar] escort
Completed [The Strength of Corruption]
Turned in [Speak to Nafien] 2475 xp
Picked up [Deadwood of the North]
Completed [Deadwood of the North]
Turned in [Deadwood of the North] 24450 xp
Picked up [Speak to Salfa]
Ran to Winterspring
Turned in [Speak to Salfa] 2475 xp
Picked up [Winterfall Activity]
Turned in [It’s a Secret to Everybody] 22050 xp
Picked up [Threat of the Winterfall]
Completed [Threat of the Winterfall]
Turned in [Threat of the Winterfall] 25350 xp

Level 56
Ran to Everlook and picked up Flight path
Picked up [Duke Nicholas Zverenhoff]
Picked up [The Everlook Report]
Picked up [Ursius of the Shardtooth]
Picked up [Sister Pamela]
Completed [Ursius of the Shardtooth]
Turned in [Ursius of the Shardtooth] 25350 xp
Picked up [Brumeran of the Chillwind]
Completed [Brumeran of the Chillwind]
Turned in [Brumeran of the Chillwind] 27000 xp
Picked up [Shy-Rotam]
Completed [Shy-Rotam]
Turned in [Shy-Rotam] 35700 xp
Picked up and Completed [Past Endeavors] 14250 xp
Teleported to Moonglade to train
Fly to Emerald Sanctuary
Turned in [Dousing the Flames of Protection] 24450 xp
Turned in [Rescue from Jaedenar] 24450 xp

Level 57

Picked up [Retribution of Light]
Fly to Feralas
Turned in [Strength of the Corruption] 22050 xp
Hearthstoned to Revantusk Village
Fly to Undercity
Ran to the Bulwark
Turned in [The Everlook Report] 10950
Picked up [Scarlet Diversions]
Picked up and Completed [Argent Dawn Commission]
Picked up [The So-Called Mark of the Lightbringer]
Completed [Scarlet Diversions]
Picked up [Unfinished Business]
Completed [Unfinished Business]
Turned in [Unfinished Business] 25350 xp
Picked up [Unfinished Business] part 2
Completed [Unfinished Business] part 2
Completed [The So-Called Mark of the Lightbringer]
Turned in [Unfinished Business] 26250 xp
Picked up [Unfinished Business] part 3
Completed [Unfinished Business] part 3
Turned in [Unfinished Business] 27000 xp
Turned in [The So-Called Mark of the Lightbringer] 27000 xp

Level 58
Picked up [Defiling Uther’s Tomb]
Turned in [Scarlet Diversions] 22800 xp
Picked up [All Along the Watchtowers]
Picked up [The Scourge Cauldrons]
Turned in [The Scourge Cauldrons] 2250 xp
Picked up [Target: Felstone Field]
Completed and turned in [Target: Felstone Field] 22800 xp
Picked up [Return to the Bulwark]
Completed and turned in [Return to the Bulwark] 11400 xp
Picked up [Target: Dalson’s Tears]
Completed and turned in [Target: Dalson’s Tears] 24450 xp
Picked up [Return to the Bulwark]
Completed and turned in [Return to the Bulwark] 12150 xp
Picked up [Target: Writhing Haunt]
Completed and turned in [Target: Writhing Haunt] 24450 xp
Picked up [Return to the Bulwark]
Completed and turned in [Return to the Bulwark] 12150 xp
Picked up [Target: Gahrron’s Withering]
Completed and turned in [Target: Gahrron’s Withering] 27000 xp

Level 59

Picked up [Return to the Bulwark]
Completed and turned in [Return to the Bulwark] 13500 xp
Picked up and completed [Mission Accomplished!] 40500 xp
Completed [Defiling Uther’s Tomb]
Completed [All Along the Watchtowers]
Turned in [Defiling Uther’s Tomb] 33750 xp
Turned in [All Along the Watchtowers] 25350 xp
Ran to Eastern Plaguelands
Turned in [Sister Pamela] 2475 xp
Picked up Flight path at Light’s Hope Chapel
Set Hearth
Turned in [Duke Nicholas Zverenhoff] 2200 xp
Picked up [Defenders of Darrowshire]
Completed [Defenders of Darrowshire]

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