Quest Log 31-40

The remaining experience needed for each level was accumulated through kills so unless otherwise noted it’s safe to assume that I was killing from point a to point b while working on quests.

Level 31
Picked up [Free at Last] Escort
Completed [Free at Last] Escort
Turned in [Grimtotem Spying] 6900 xp
Turned in [Wanted – Arnak Grimtotem] 7050 xp
Turned in [Free at Last] 7050 xp
Turned in [Test of Endurance] 7350 xp
Picked up [Test of Strength]
Completed [Test of Strength]
Ran to Feralas to pickup Flight path
Fly to Thousand Needles
Turned in [Test of Strength] 9150 xp
Level 32
Ran back to Freewind Post
Picked up [Family Tree]
Fly to Thunder Bluff to train
Turned in [Steelsnap] 7350 xp
Picked up [Frostmaw]
Ran to Mulgore to get mount
Back to Thunder Bluff
Fly to Crossroads
Picked up [The Swarm Grows]
Fly to Orgrimmar
Turned in [The Swarm Grows] 4350 xp
Picked up [The Swarm Grows] part 2
Picked up [Rethgar Deathgate]
Picked up [Chief Engineer Scooty]
Fly to Crossroads
Turned in [Rethgar Deathgate] 2025 xp
Picked up [Kolkar of Desolace]
Fly to Sun Rock Retreat
Run to Desolace
Kill at Thunder Axe Fortress until “Flayed Demon Skin” Drops
Picked up [The Corrupter]
Run to Ghost Walker Post
Turned in [Family Tree] 7350 xp
Turned in [The Kolkar of Desolace] 2025
Picked up [Khan Dez’hepah]
Turned in [The Corrupter] 4350 xp
Picked up [The Corrupter] part 2
East of Ghost Walker Post
Picked up [Kodo Roundup]
Completed [Kodo Roundup]
Turned in [Kodo Roundup] 6900 xp
Level 33
Completed [Khan Dez’hepah] and [The Corrupter]
Turned in [Khan Dez’hepah] 12300 xp
Turned in [The Corrupter] 8700 xp
Picked up [The Corrupter] part 3
Ran to Shadowprey Village
Picked up [Hunting in Stranglethorn]
Picked up [Hand of Iruxos]
Set Hearth
Picked up [Other Fish to Fry]
Picked up Flight path
Fly to Freewind Post
Ran to Shimmering Flats
Turned in [The Swarm Grows] 6450 xp
Picked up [The Swarm Grows] part 3
Picked up [Wharfmaster Dizzywig]
Picked up [Hemet Nesingwary Jr.]
Picked up [A Bump in the Road]
Completed [A Bump in the Road] and [The Swarm Grows]
Level 34
Turned in [The Swarm Grows] 9900 xp
Turned in [A Bump in the Road] 8700 xp
Run to Tanaris
Pickup Flight Path
Fly to Ratchet
Turned in [Wharfmaster Dizzywig] 5250 xp
Picked up [Parts for Kravel]
Boat to Booty Bay
Turned in [Chief Engineer Scooty] 990 xp
Picked up [Gnomer-gooooone!]
Turned in [Gnomer-gooooone!] No xp
Picked up [Investigate the Camp]
Picked up Flight Path
Ran to Grom’gol
Picked up Flight Path
Picked up [The Defense of Grom’gol]
Picked up [Trollbane]
Picked up [The Vile Reef]
Completed [The Vile Reef]
Turned in [Hunting in Stranglethorn] 3750 xp
Turned in [Hemet Nesingwary Jr.] 3750 xp
Completed [Investigate the Camp]
Picked up [Welcome to the Jungle]
Turned in [Welcome to the Jungle] 750xp
Picked up [Tiger Mastery]
Picked up [Panther Mastery]
Picked up [Raptor Mastery]
Completed [Tiger Mastery] and [Panther Mastery]
Turned in [Tiger Mastery] 3750 xp
Picked up [Tiger Mastery] part 2
Turned in [Panther Mastery] 3750 xp
Picked up [Panther Mastery] part 2
Level 35
Completed Panther Mastery and Tiger Mastery
Turned in [Panther Mastery] 4350 xp
Turned in [Tiger Mastery] 4350 xp
Picked up Tiger Mastery part 3
Picked up Panther Mastery part 3
Completed [Tiger Mastery] and [Raptor Mastery]
Turned in [Tiger Mastery] 7350 xp
Picked up [Tiger mastery] part 4
Turned in [Raptor Mastery] 4650 xp
Picked up [Raptor Mastery] part 2
Completed [Tiger Mastery], [Raptor Mastery] and [Defense of Grom’gol]
Level 36
Turned in [Tiger Mastery] 11000 xp
Turned in [Raptor Mastery] 5250 xp
Picked up [Raptor Mastery] part 3
Turned in [The Vile Reef] 11100 xp
Turned in [The Defense of Grom’gol] 10500
Picked up [The Defense of Grom’gol] part 2
Turned in [Investigate the Camp] 810 xp
Teleported to Moonglade to Train
Hearthed to Shadowprey Village
Ran north to Ethel Rethor
Picked up [Sceptre of Light]
Completed [Sceptre of Light] and [Hand of Iruxos]
Turned in [Sceptre of Light] 8700 xp
Picked up [Book of the Ancients]
Picked up [Claim Rackmore’s Treasure]
Completed [The Corrupter], [Other Fish to Fry], [Book of the Ancients] and [Claim Rackmores Treasure!]
Turned in [Claim Rackmore’s Treasure!] 10500 xp
Turned in [Book of the Ancients] 14700 xp
Turned in [The Corrupter] 9900 xp
Picked up [The Corrupter] part 2
Turned in [The Corrupter] 870 xp
Picked up [The corrupter] part 3
Turned in [The Hand of Iruxos] 11700 xp
Level 38
Picked up [Portals of the Legion]
Turned in [Other Fish to Fry] 10500 xp
Completed [Portals of the Legion] and [The Corrupter]
Turned in [The Corrupter] 16350 xp
Picked up [Get Me Out of Here!] escort
Completed [Get Me Out of Here!] escort
Turned in [Get Me Out of Here!] 9300 xp
Turned in [Portals of the Legion] 14700 xp
Level 39
Fly to Tanaris
Run to Thousand Needles
Turned in [Parts for Kravel] 5250 xp
Picked up [Delivery to the Gnomes]
Turned in [Delivery to to Gnomes] 2625 xp
Picked up [The Rumormonger]
Fly to Crossroads
Completed part 1/2 of [Trial of the Sea Lion] druid only
Run to Orgrimmar
Zeplin to Undercity
Picked up Flight Path
Picked up [To Steel from Thieves]
Ran to Silverpine, the Sepulcher
Picked up Flight Path
Completed [Trial of the Sea Lion] (Druid only)
Ran to Hillsbrad Foothills, Tauren Mill
Picked up Flight Path
Set Hearthstone
Picked up [Prison Break In]
Picked up [The Crown of Will]
Ran north to Alterac Mountains
Completed [Frostmaw], [Prison Break In], and [The Crown of Will]
Turned in [Prison Break In] 11550 xp
Picked up [Dalaran Patrols]
Turned in [The Crown of Will] 9300 xp
Picked up [The Crown of Will] Part 2
Completed [The Crown of Will] and [Dalaran Patrols]
Turned in [Dalaran Patrols] 7350 xp
Turned in [The Crown of Will] 13800 xp
Picked up [The Crown of Will] part 3
Level 40
Teleported to Moonglade
Completed [Trial of the Sea Lion] (druid only) 9750 xp
Picked up [Aquatic Form] (druid only)
Fly to Thunderbluff
Turned in [Aquatic Form] (druid only) 13050 xp
Turned in [Frostmaw] 16650 xp
Picked up [Deadmire]
Hearthstone to Tauren Mill
Completed [The Crown of Will]
Turned in [The Crown of Will] 18900 xp
Picked up [The Crown of Will] part 4
Ran to Arathi Highlands
Completed [To Steal from Thieves]
Ran to Hammerfall
Picked up Flight Path
Turned in [Trollbane] 2775
Picked up [Sigil of Strom]
Completed [Sigil of Strom]

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