Two Moonkin walk into a bar, the third one ducks

With the first 40 levels I had been questioning my desire to see this project through. A lot of missing spark was a product of having recently finished leveling my mage and shaman’s so the raw dps from duo balance druids seemed really lackluster by comparison. Hitting 40 was a huge boost to my moral, Moonkin Form loses a little since the crit bonus from the aura doesn’t stack with itself. The biggest bonus for me was the massive bonus to armor. The 400% bonus really helped offset the horrible gear that Stav and Ini were wearing and made them much more survivable for multiple mob pulls.

Income has finally started to make headway as well. Sure, I still have a ton of skills left to learn (feral) but at least I’m no longer stealing gold from my 70’s to keep the Moonkin’s in current DPS spells and water. No way I’ll be getting the gold needed for a 60 mount, but I can start a dent at paying back my self loans.

Played time is hovering around 1 day and 8 hours at level 51 (1 bar shy of 52) so it looks like I’ll be on track of hitting 60 around 2 days played. Definitely not a speed run, but still respectable (as my personal leveling times go) for a test run of RAF leveling with 0 collection quests (Ok, so there was that 1 Blood Shards quest). Already I can see a bunch of places to streamline the process to speed things up and make subsequent runs much more efficient.

One big thing I’m learning is that while there are enough quests to get to 60 without doing collection quests, it may turn out to be more efficient to select a few choice ones for both equipment upgrades, and because certain collection steps and their follup’s are worth more exp in less time than trying to hoof it around the world to find a new patch of non-collection quests.

I’ve got a road trip coming up next week so I’m hoping to get the leveling pages cleaned up a bit. I know I change the tense of certain steps and I would like to incorporate links to one of the WoW database sites.


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